Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hello all my followers! I'm starting off again on another early morning! I'm here at work and my day is just beginning. To the left of this post, I have a picture of the one and only Mrs. Rosa D. Bowser. Who is that you might ask? She was one of the most educated black women of our time. You don't hear much about educated women, let alone a black one. It was and still is considered taboo to be a black educated woman. Mrs. Bowser was the founder of the Woman's League, was the President of the Richmond Mothers' Club, and the list goes on forever! She was extremely fluent in mathematics, art and music! The purpose of this post today is to uplift my ladies and let them know that it is a must that we are educated!

Okay now, you all know me, I am not one to play the race card so this is directed toward every woman! I don't care if you're purple, green, black or blue! You must seek education for yourself and the children you are raising. Be assertive and speak up for yourselves whether it is right or wrong. Society will shape you to believe that as a woman you should not seek an education. Society is wrong! Sadly in my case, people hear my name (Soniqua) and they automatically assume that I am not educated. It is not until I open my mouth and can articulate and speak confidently that they are surprised and proven wrong. Based on my name, my gender, and my race, I am automatically depicted as not being educated.

This was on my heart today for two reasons. One of those reasons stem from just my daily environment and where I work. People around me always seem to be in a state of shock when they find out that I am on the Dean's List or have some sort of intelligence. Is it a crime? I often hear that I am so young and they ask where do I gain my knowledge? Well, it's called reading a book maybe? Or maybe even looking in the dictionary for words that I don't understand? Or maybe I have an education?'s something along those lines so why is that a shock? Reason number two is because of the lack of education I see in my young ladies. Young ladies listen to those wiser than you. They have been where you are, and know where you could be headed. Learn how to listen and not argue with those trying to instill wisdom in you. Your language, clean that up! It is not okay to walk around belittling yourself and those around you by using derogatory language. I don't know who told you that is cute...umm it's not! Don't be fooled by those who laugh and encourage your bad character. They too probably think that these actions are cute, but they aren't. This is the very reason why our elders categorize us as being "damned"! They place us all in the same box...young, dumb and self destructive.

I leave you with this one or two steps ahead of the people out here. Follow ambition and do the things you know are right! Don't sell yourself short to fit into the box that is marked that you are a slacker. Read books, learn to speak with dignity, and most of all hold your head upright. Stop waiting for a male to validate what you can and can't be! Don't spend his money...make your own and do what you want to do! Never let someone tell you that you can't be, because you can be! Be educated and learn all that you can so that you can teach others around you! I am educated and proud of it! I am beautiful and so are you! Be beautiful inside and out, not just when people are watching. You never know who is watching so impress them every time! You can't and you won't make everyone happy, but do your best to seek happiness. You'll find out that all hard work has a reward, and the greatest reward you can give yourself in the mean time is an EDUCATION!!! Copyright © 2009, SO BROWN PUBLISHING

Niq0 comments

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Blog and A Dream...

Morning all, how are we today? I'm doing well, just arriving at work! It is now 6:04 a.m. Talk about early right? But hey, I'm early, I get the worm, so it's all good! Enough about me, I'm here for a specific purpose. As most of my followers know, this blog thing all started on facebook. I always knew that I was destined to write, but not at the level that I have achieved most recently! I not too long ago wrote a blog on facebook about our ways! This blog received so many responses that were positive, it was only right that I make this blog thing work in my favor.

One of the things that has been on my heart lately is the need for me to help make people become aware and understand that they have a purpose and place in this's simply called individuality. I hear people often complain that no one accepts them for who they are and that people around them are constantly changing. The world and people are always changing, but that's what makes us who we are in life. It shapes our character and all the things that we can become. One thing that I have definitely learned being around 25 years is you have to love yourself. There will always be times when people question your motives and why you are the way you are, but so what! Stand out like a neon green sweater at a colorless affair! Walk with pride and your head straight to the sky and you cannot go wrong! Now I will admit, I am kind of different and my mind doesn't tick like most individuals! Not saying that to scare you, but I am being totally honest! I've been told that I think like an old soul, or maybe like I've been here before. The people that know me best always say that I am ahead of my time. I don't know about all of that but I do know this, I find myself listening more than I tend to speak. I know that it is okay for me to be who I am and I am not afraid of the friends that know me best will tell you that! Am I perfect? Not by a long shot, but I strive to be in tip top shape if it suits me! And for the most part, it does! I understand that sometimes it can be hard being an individual, but it will take you all the way to the top. Laugh at adversity and those who tell you that you cannot and will not succeed! It is only a test, and your strength determines your outcome. People will always ridicule you and think that there is something "strange" about the way you are! But guess what, that makes you an "individual"! When you stand out in the crowd, people will follow you because they are drawn to your glow! Follow the light that leads your own path and the path that God set for you! We were all made to be an individual but in God's image and He was not a follower! People followed Him and they believed in His path! I am not preaching to you, just reassuring you that it is okay to follow yourself and your dreams!

After you read this blog, sit and think for a minute. Think with your mind and listen with your eyes and ears! How can you listen with your eyes right? I'll tell you how...the things you see will tell you what you need to know. Look at yourself in the mirror and listen to your me it works! You can hear with your eyes more than you can hear with your ears because what you see is proof of what you don't need to hear. It is right in front of you, hear it and understand what it says to your heart. Take it how you want and I'll leave you with this...individually we all strive to find our destiny in life, and the only way that you will discover it is to follow yourself. If you follow the crowd, they'll lead you to a group of the lost world because they don't know where they are going...they're just following! Be that leader that they can follow, and lead them to all things GREAT!! Much love and God bless...thanks for reading today! Copyright © 2009, SO BROWN PUBLISHING

Niq3 comments

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It could happen to you...

Yes! I am back by much popular demand followers! Sorry I left you, I had good intentions I promise! I really appreciate the genuine love and support I received in my absence. As you all know, I try to be positive with the messages that I post. I was trying to figure out how I could come across as positive with what I am about to here goes nothing, please don't take it personal...well unless the shoe fits!

So lately people have been walking around with their chests poked out, high and mighty without a care in the world. I was hanging out with some friends of mine the other day and something disturbed me. It's a guy that I have been knowing for a few years now and he's made some great accomplsihments with what he's been doing. He's always been a hard worker and for the most part he was kind. Now lately it seems as if he has forgotten a few things. When his friends are in his presence, his attitude changes. First of all, we must all realize that we are blessed and fortunate to have life. That's number one! God gives us another chance to get it right as each day passes! We must not make fun of those who are less fortunate than us. It can very well be us standing in those very shoes as early as today! Many young people don't understand how hard it is to survive after you have lost everything and everyone around you. We must understand that we are all promised to die and we will be held accountable for the wrong decissions we made here on Earth.

It seems that latelty people just complain about everything without recognizing the gifts that they are blessed with. I'm sure none of us want to wake up early every morning to come to just a job! But guess what? There's someone out there that doesn't have that much, maybe not even a place to lie their head at night. The guy I was referring to earlier was making fun of some of the customers who came into his store. People have feelings and we don't know how bad the next person has it. One thing that we should realize is, there is nothing funny about someone not being able to afford $250 pairs of gym shoes, or the latest "gear"! People are too accustomed to things that just don't matter. We want to be flashy all the time and show off, when in reality no one really cares what you have. It's all about who you are and what is in your heart! It's not about the clothes and the rims and all the foolishness that just doesn't matter. It's just a name, and it's just material. I don't want to go on forever but I will say this...get it together and change the way you look at someone you think is less fortunate. They can very well be a millionaire. You never know what someone does and does not have. Understand and accept that when you die material things will not go with you! It stays here on Earth while you're long gone! Think about that the next time you laugh at a person who appears to be destitute...that could very well be you!!!
Copyright © 2009, SO BROWN PUBLISHING

Monday, July 20, 2009


Hey blog family! Here is an update. I wasn't too worried about anyone taking what I say in this blog and turning into their own possession, but my mentor informed me otherwise. I am now waiting on all my post to come back from having a legal copyright so that I am not ripped off. I just really started this blog to help others and maybe offer some sort of comfort and understanding. Don't worry though, I will be returning with more for my loyal followers and thanks again for your support! God bless and have a great week.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Said I wouldn't do it but I did!

Hey there everyone! I'm here...said I wouldn't blog but what the heck right?! The purpose for me blogging is so that I can motivate and inspire others to think positive and pursue greatness! Thanks for checking out my page and I hope that what you read will soothe your soul and provide great inspiration! God bless and welcome to Motivation 101! If you can, please take the time to read and follow my blog! I really appreciate all of the support and thank you in advance! i promise there are more great things to come! Just watch!

Copyright © 2009 SoniquaMBrown