Monday, August 29, 2011


Why do we knock on doors that say "Do Not Enter"? Like isn't God already telling us that we are not allowed to enter? But yet and still we decide to knock on doors and enter through knowing that what's behind them are no good! It's like we're daring God to slam this door in our face, we don't believe He will. So we foolishly walk into a place that doesn't allow trespassers. Trespassers that are walking into something bad for our souls. Have you guys ever realized that what we think is good for our soul is not? Instead of just walking away from the forbidden door, we tip toe in hoping not to waken God. He's already watching so there's no need.

Friday, August 26, 2011


The belief that greatness pervades throughout life is optimism. One of God's promises to us is that if we obey Him, greatness lies ahead in our lives. Sometimes being optimistic can really be hard to know that good will partake in our hearts and minds! We want to believe that great things can happen, but we have the sense to hang on to doubt. As a young woman, I have often had doubts as to what I could do with my talent of writing. It's easy to believe that I am a talented writer because the words that I write make sense to me. But what about those who don't have the same beliefs? Well, I say this, believe in greatness within yourself and great things shall happen. God doesn't let us down! He may say not now, but He didn't say never!! Be OPTIMISTIC!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Leadership and Greatness

What is within us shall shine through our actions! If we are mean and hateful, those are the faces that we as well as others recognize in us. If we are loving and kind, these things will too show in our daily ways. Sometimes it is best to live with a loving and open heart. Tell someone that you appreciate them and that you want to make them smile. It is not always about what others can do for us, but it is what we can do for others that is key. We have to find the keys that unlock the greatness within us. There is greatness in us all, but we must first see it. Once we can see and believe that we are great as people, it is then when others will see our great ways and want to be great as well. I'm no scientist by any means, and I don't use scenarios to analyze those around like Freud once did, I just recognize in myself, as well as others that we must believe we are great.

What does it take to be a great leader? First we must learn to follow...follow those who have given us the light to flourish and shine bright on our purpose. Do you ever feel that you have no sense of purpose? Like you're just here killing time? Well sometimes it seems as if our lives are stuck in one place and that we will remain stagnant. We must learn not to be defeated by these purposes that we have no idea that exist. When you're a teenager, you have the perception that you know everything. Truth of the matter is, we do not know everything in which we think we do! Our parents want to mold our minds into better thoughts and dreams that they once had. What if the dream that our parents had never came to pass? What if there was no one to give them that light of purpose? How can they pass it on if they were never passed that torch? They can't lead a group of children to great things and accomplishments if they've never been lead to believe that they can be better.

Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm back with a message from God!!!

I never professed to know it all, because to know it all means that you knew nothing at first. As we walk through life we are on a journey; a journey where we strive for greatness and wisdom. It is within our hearts that we seek the truth about our inner most fears of failing, thus falling short to our own thoughts. At the time of our first hour of our existence, we are giving the gift that God has instilled within us as beings. And through our journey through life we must get to know that gift. In discovering our life's lessons we will discover, God's Lessons! I'm back!!!!!